Friday, July 26Risk is a down payment of success.

Case Study on Six Sigma Lean Project For Escalation Management

The customer for this particular project was running a large travel agency in New York City, USA. Their business is to sell hotels, car rentals and air line tickets. They also offer travel insurance and packages. Following is one of the inputs received from one of the stakeholders “We have noticed that we are getting over 5000 customer complaints each quarter. It is affecting our brand name in the market adversely, we are losing valuable customers, we are losing revenue also plus if the same issue is not resolved even if it is a customer mistake, customer keeps calling us which increases unnecessary calls in our call centre. All this reduces the revenue and increase the call abundance percentage. We wish to reduce the customer complaints to 50% in the first phase before June 2013. And we shall set targets at that time depending upon the success of this project and how situation changes in the market at that time. Data was available for the last 06 months with the MIS team that makes various kinds of reports and do data management. For any kind of data, we can rely on them. We found that they were getting complaints from our customer under the following heads. Name Issue- Spelling mistake in name, married name issue, name not matching with driver’s license or passport in case of international travel, Any name issue in an airlines ticket is very critical. A single letter here and there (absence or presence of a single letter) can make you buy a new ticket in case of an international trip if your name does not match with your passport and name on ticket. In case of domestic trip within USA, we can make an SFPD (Secured Flight Passenger Data) entry and you are good to go in if it just a matter of one letter. We can also call airlines and have this resolved if the airlines agent puts a note in the PNR/Ticket. Many Americans are careless while buying a ticket online. Address Issue- Office address provided by customer in place of home address which is the billing address. Address does not matter to an airline. What matters is the spelling of the name. However, many customer do not understand what is billing address which is the address where they get their credit card billing from their bank. It is usually their home address. They put their office address as billing address and later on want to change it. Wrong contact (Phone/Email) information. Many times customers while booking reservations online end up doing human error or typo error and put wrong phone number of email address. Result is that we are unable to make a phone call to them or/and we are unable to send an email to them. Customers call us and say that they did not get any email confirmation. Wrong City booked- Many times wrong city is booked. It can be an agent error or by customer when passenger calls in our call centre and books the reservation over the phone or online while using our website. If wrong city has been booked and it is within void period or it is refundable. There is no problem i.e. the situation is under control and we can resolve the case. Wrong Date Booked
Wrong Time Booked-AM and PM confusion. Visa Issue in the trip- Visa is not our business so far. Hence we do not provide any information about visa. We have clearly mentioned it on our website. Customers buy tickets online and over the phone assuming that if visa is needed, we shall given information or our website will give information or ask certain questions which does not happen. Later on when they start packing their bags, they realise that they need and visa and call and complain. Passenger missed the flight- Many times, passengers miss their flight due to their own negligence, or being later, or due to traffic or being not aware that they need to be at the airlines 2 hrs in advance in case of a domestic flight and 3 hrs in case of international flight. Passenger was a No Show
Passenger lost his passport and flight is tomorrow
Passenger forgot his passport/Visa at home and came to airport
Passenger was not granted visa after buying tickets from us-Some times, people buy tickets assuming that they will get visa and when they apply for visa due to some reason, visa is not granted. Now Passenger will call and find out alternatives. Sometimes alternatives are not available. Death of family member and Passenger requesting for a refund of non refundable ticket
Cancellation with 24hrs
Military Passenger
Minor traveling alone
Students Travelers
Passengers looking for USD 99 fare as per our advertisement and not getting it. Such customers say that it is false advertising. Remaining part of the project to be continued in next article. These articles and case studies can be very well understood when a person enrolls for Six Sigma training in Noida, Six Sigma training in Gurgaon or Six Sigma Black Belt training in any of the centers of Advance Innovation Group.

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